

A Canadian trade mission visited Bulgaria in May 2003. The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade invited Canadian exporting companies and investors to participate and explore the opportunities that this country has to offer.
Did you participate in the mission?
Do you know anything about the country?
Where is Bulgaria?
How big is it?
Could this market be of interest to your business?
Do you need to learn anything more?

Here is how SYNTAKSYS can help you get an answer to these questions. We offer solutions for market research and partnerships. We are a Canadian, Montréal-based enterprise, offering multilingual translations, corporate language training, language management counseling, cross-cultural training seminars and country/market analysis information kits. Our mission is to be the bridge that will bring Canadian corporations from any industry to new markets joining soon the European Union.

We help companies and communities to communicate better in person, on paper and over the Internet, to ensure smooth international career changes for professionals, scholars and immigrants, and all business and cultural exchanges between firms from Canada, USA and Bulgaria, as well as other European Union countries.

Our information kit, prepared on request, presents Bulgaria from an independent Canadian point of view. We have the necessary inside Bulgarian knowledge. Analyses and advice are written by an international team of experts.

Another information kit presents Canada and Canadian prosperous SME, large corporations, government organizations, investors and franchises to their Bulgarian counterparts and to our clients.

Information kits about regional analyses and other EU new countries and candidates such as Poland or Turkey are prepared upon request.

Business support services in Canada include market information, research and analysis of opportunities in Bulgaria in the industry sector of your interest; some legal information and advice.

Our Bulgarian team can support your activities with translations, interpretation, lawyers’ legal advice and thorough solutions including related secretarial duties, the setting up of temporary premises with fax and email/Internet access facilities, and transportation for you to keep track of ongoing business matters and negotiations.

Make a wise decision! Order your personalized kit on Bulgaria and ask for a seminar or a crash course in Bulgarian! Call right now to benefit from our winter promotion and be among the few clients to have 8% off our regular fees. Boost up your chances to get the most of the market opening opportunities.

Learn how to feel at home in restaurants choosing Bulgarian meals and wine.
Make a lasting impression on your Bulgarian partners saying a few words and expressions in their mother tongue.
Tell them funny stories that match theirs.
Do not expect attitudes and reactions that are not in the ethics or the culture.
Practice saying and interpreting the Bulgarian “yes” and “no” signs.

Brush up your relations with Bulgarian business owners. Make the most of our services and tools:
Seminars to assist Canadian businesses in finding out the best and most reliable opportunities.
“Bulgaria, an ancient culture, a complex economic and business climate”
“Where to look for partners”
“Bulgaria as an opportunity for business builders, investors and visioneers”
– the crossroads between European Union,     Central Europe, Asia, Russia and the easy road to enter the EU from within!

Language courses
   “Как да не се загубим сред букви от чужда азбука и сред непонятни културни обичаи!”
“Благодаря ви за вниманието!”

Could you read these 2 sentences? Do you understand what they are about? If not, take a crash course in Bulgarian. Learn the minimum language skills for survival and success.
“How not to feel lost amidst letters of a foreign alphabet and strange cultural habits! Thank you for your attention.”

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS UNIQUE OFFER! Call us. Don’t delay. Get the 8% off promotional offer now!
SYNTAKSYS, the way to secure your success. Let us find the business opportunities for you! Call us to say what you need!